What does back to school mean to you? I think for most of us it's bittersweet. No more leisure time with the kids, back to the grind! Of course it's good and bad, as so many experiences are with kids. But, I digress. What I really wanted to share was my bright idea. I'm sure there are so many of you out there that will say; "is she kidding, I've been doing that for years"...but for you Johnny come latelies - here goes!
My kids are the worst breakfast eaters, but they love muffins and other time consuming baked goods. I really am trying my best to avoid processed food. So, I'm thinking I'll just make homemade muffins - yeah OK. Then I read Great Coffee Cakes, Sticky Buns, Muffins & More by Carole Walter. It does seem weird, but I actually read a lot of cookbooks. Anyway, she says that you can make the muffin batter and put it in the muffin pan overnight in the refrigerator. She said that for some muffins it helps to create that crown you see on the professional baked goods.
Today is Sunday, I'm going to prepare my muffin mix right now and put it in the fridge, I'll let you know how it goes!