Boy, that went fast! It was all in a blink of an eye and it's gone! It's been almost a month since I last blogged. So hard to believe.
This year, as usual, I was preoccupied in my embroidery work, and then I couldn't decide on what to get who, all while trying to "get together" with all my friends.
So, in the end I think I gave the right gifts to all the gift givees, I got together with all the right friends, and finished all my work just in the nick of time. All in all a very successful Holiday! But, when I reflect on this I always say.... next year I'll start earlier, I'll be more organized....blah, blah, blah.
For those who know me, know that's never going to happen. I'm really a perfectionist / dreamer if there is such a personality. I'm always thinking about doing the most fun family holiday excursion, or how to spend my time more wisely so I can do more fun family Holiday things. If I'm not thinking about how to make the family thing better, I'm thinking about how to make my embroidery better and more appealing. Or thinking about how can I talk to more people on the internet so they can get to know my embroidery.
Now, I'm starting to think that it's really not the Holiday rush that's so annoying, but the everyday life stuff that gets in the way of the Holidays!
Sometimes, it's really just your point of view. Ok, so now that I've solved that problem....NEXT?