As I'm sure for many small businesses working on the internet, we too are interested in social media. Used as a way to find people and let people find us. So, it goes that we started using twitter. Our twitter name is "stitchedright". It's an unusual way to talk to people. You only use a small amount of characters, or so I thought. Then I realized that people are linking "bitlys" to their small comments. These "bitlys" are URL shortners (I'm not sure that's a word) that take you to a blog post or a magazine article. Funny how things work. So, now it's sort of like reading the newspaper. If you see a title to the article that is interesting then you click the link and read the rest.
However, I have found some really interesting people and places. Always on the hunt for great gifts and gift giving ideas, I came across this blog post that the "craftgossip" page posted. BTW, they have wonderful ideas and posts! This one is especially adorable, and a wonderful gift for Mothers Day! Check it out and if you get a minute spend some time on Twitter. It's a weird little world but worth the visit.
Here's that post: http://whiffofjoy.blogspot.com/2011/02/circle-album-card-by-jane-johnson.html
Happy crafting!
Best, Nancy