Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mothers Day - Hat Cake

One Year for Mothers Day, I invited my Mother and Mother-in-Law over for brunch and made this simple Hat Cake. I started with a fruit salad in a carved grapefruit shell, made a few quiches and banana nut muffins, my cobb salad made a great addition, mimosa here and coffee there and wa-la....a fancy brunch! Then I made this "hat cake" and put it on a pink glass cake stand. It was so cute, both Mom's LOVED it! Very simple, and it's really fun to do! Try it for your Mom - for all she's a little treat that she will really appreciate! I know mine did.
Follow this link to a video instruction....

Happy Mothers Day to all of us out there!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Finds on Twitter

As I'm sure for many small businesses working on the internet, we too are interested in social media. Used as a way to find people and let people find us. So, it goes that we started using twitter. Our twitter name is "stitchedright". It's an unusual way to talk to people. You only use a small amount of characters, or so I thought. Then I realized that people are linking "bitlys" to their small comments. These "bitlys" are URL shortners (I'm not sure that's a word) that take you to a blog post or a magazine article. Funny how things work. So, now it's sort of like reading the newspaper. If you see a title to the article that is interesting then you click the link and read the rest.

However, I have found some really interesting people and places. Always on the hunt for great gifts and gift giving ideas, I came across this blog post that the "craftgossip" page posted. BTW, they have wonderful ideas and posts! This one is especially adorable, and a wonderful gift for Mothers Day! Check it out and if you get a minute spend some time on Twitter. It's a weird little world but worth the visit.

Here's that post:

Happy crafting!
Best, Nancy

Friday, January 21, 2011

Adventures of a small sewing shop

Well I guess the word adventures may be a bit overstated. I tend to exaggerate, makes things more interesting - don't you think? Anyway, the adventures I'm referring to is our experiments with design. We have been experimenting with t-shirts. New designs, new colors. Very cool stuff. When we're not sewing orders....our time is spent with arranging colors and putting together applique ideas. We hope to show some new things for spring.

Color is an amazing thing....use the right combination and the design is beautiful. Use the wrong combination and the same exact design is just awful! We spent last Tuesday walking around the Fashion district in NYC looking for just the right combination for shirt embellishments. So, stay tuned for some new stuff...and let's hope we get the colors right!

Love to hear your ideas! Find us on Facebook (Wicked Stitches Embroidery)....and twitter (Stitchedright). Have a wonderful weekend. Stay warm!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Valentines Garland in a gift shop

Woke up this morning to my husband giving me the weather report. He told me that on Tuesday we may be expecting 6 - 12 inches of snow. I think, great the kids will be off from school. My day will be turned into getting snow stuff together, putting it on them. Watching them outside in the snow, shoveling snow, then taking wet snow stuff off. Drying snow stuff, making hot chocolate and numerous other food items. Of course all while "enjoying them". But I digress.

So for now, I'm drinking a cup of HOT coffee, and blogging. This may be my only chance this week. I've got to get to work in my little garage shop. I'm working on some ideas for early spring items. I just love the "garland" idea and am working on getting my Valentine and Shamrock garland into some gift shops. I think it may be a hard item to sell on the internet. It's one of those things that has to be seen. The time has come for us to try to expand our sales horizons. It's a wonderful thing to be able to do what you love, but it's even better if you can eek a living out of it!

So here's to making a living on what we love. One garland at a time!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Holiday thoughts

Boy, that went fast! It was all in a blink of an eye and it's gone! It's been almost a month since I last blogged. So hard to believe.

This year, as usual, I was preoccupied in my embroidery work, and then I couldn't decide on what to get who, all while trying to "get together" with all my friends.

So, in the end I think I gave the right gifts to all the gift givees, I got together with all the right friends, and finished all my work just in the nick of time. All in all a very successful Holiday! But, when I reflect on this I always say.... next year I'll start earlier, I'll be more organized....blah, blah, blah.

For those who know me, know that's never going to happen. I'm really a perfectionist / dreamer if there is such a personality. I'm always thinking about doing the most fun family holiday excursion, or how to spend my time more wisely so I can do more fun family Holiday things. If I'm not thinking about how to make the family thing better, I'm thinking about how to make my embroidery better and more appealing. Or thinking about how can I talk to more people on the internet so they can get to know my embroidery.

Now, I'm starting to think that it's really not the Holiday rush that's so annoying, but the everyday life stuff that gets in the way of the Holidays!

Sometimes, it's really just your point of view. Ok, so now that I've solved that problem....NEXT?